Looking back: TM111 Introduction to computing and information technology 1

Looking back: TM111 Introduction to computing and information technology 1

TM111 was my first Open University module and I was very pleased back in October last year when I got my module result back and was awarded a distinction. At the time, I posted a review of the module on my original blog. That post was probably a bit long winded for a simple review, so this post should be more concise.

That said, I will give a brief breakdown of each of the three blocks the module was broken into.

Block 1: The digital world

The first block served as an introduction to the digital world, covering computing technologies, data, the internet and more beyond our computer screens. Block 1 was divided into five parts.

First we learned of networks in the context of telephone networks, computer networks and the internet. We were introduced to the idea of developing technologies and their impact on industries and communities. Netiquette came up in relation to how we interact online and set a framework for how we should interact respectfully on the module forums and other communication mediums with the OU and fellow students. In fact, as an introductory module, TM111 took the opportunity to use the course materials to ease new students into study in ways similar to this. For example, this part of the first block also introduced us to the idea of good academic practice and how to apply it to our studies and our assessments. The module would also develop our study skills throughout all three blocks. The first part ended by covering some basic online safety.

The remaining parts of block covered the development of the computer through different generations, digital media – such as image and audio files, data and databases, and rounding off the block with the world wide web. Personally, I enjoyed learning about the history of computers from those running on valves to the modern day processors with billions of transistors. We got an insight into how data is encoded in images and audio files and we got to record and edit audio with audacity. Data covered different types of database (flat, relational and big data) and we got to try out some basic SQL commands. While covering the web we learned some HTML and CSS.

First tutor marked assignment (TMA)

In my first TMA covering block 1, we put to use the skills and knowledge we’d picked up so far. Among the answers I had to submit:

  • an audio file edited in audacity
    • including a recording of me explaining good academic practice
    • with background music faded while I read my spiel
  • a formatted web page discussing the third generation of computing

All of the TMAs included an emplyability style question. These all followed different stages of a development plan.

Block 2: creating solutions

This block was all about programming. We used a scratch-like environment called OUBuild. We covered some of the core concepts around programming, which we would put into use with Python when we move on to TM112. For TM111 however, the concepts we covered were working with numbers, strings and lists, selection with if statements, loops, modular programming (sub-routines/functions), creating an algorithm and testing.

Personally, I wasn’t looking forward to working with something like Scratch. I’m too used to other languages, but as Steve Wozniak once said:

I had never touched BASIC in my life except for those three days in high school because it was a kid’s language kind of. I didn’t realise that BASIC was not BASIC – that the BASIC that digital equipment used that was in all the books and Bill Gates had programmed was a totally different language in how they handled strings of characters, words. I just thought if you write a BASIC, you make your own computer running BASIC, it’s the same everywhere. No, it wasn’t.

Steve Wozniak (Command_Line Heroes, Season 4, Episode 8)

Okay, I’m not saying that Scratch is BASIC. Just that you can still technically create full complex programs. It still requires that same approach to problem solving which was the theme of this block. So long as you can put up with dragging a mouse rather than typing out keys, this block shouldn’t be an issue whether you do or don’t have prior coding experience.

Second TMA

As you might guess, this TMA required you to submit OUBuild programs we built to solve problems that were set out in the TMA. We also had to work from an algorithm to translate it into code and discuss testing strategies.

Unlike the web question from the first TMA, it would be a mistake to go beyond what is asked in a coding question. The reason for this is that interoperability was an important element of this block and taking it upon yourself to do a little more could cause problems if implemented in a larger progrom.

Block 3: connecting people, places and things

The final block focused largely on different types of network technology. Like the other blocks, this was split into five parts.

Network technology and structure, data transmission and attenuation, EM spectrum were covered in the first part. The second part was largely concerned with the internet, internet protocols and network security, the third part was all about wireless communication, the fourth part covered the internet of things and the last part was on the networked society – bringing us back to the starting concept of the digital world.

Third and final TMA

This TMA covered block 3, but used the block 3 topics to reference earlier blocks. Included among the questions were:

  • converting text/binary/hexadecimal
    • IPv4 address and MAC address
  • Contribute to a wiki
    • There was a module wiki for block 3
    • The wiki was a small part of the block, but it was a significant part of the TMA
    • As well as making the wiki contribution as part of the TMA, we also had to make the post about something related to a block 3 topic


Overall, this block serves as a good introduction to both the computing subjects and to study in general. You may find it useful to take that introduction to study if you are not used to study or are out of practice, but if you’re comfortable with your study skills then you can probably save yourself some time on this module and focus on the other stuff. On the other hand, if you find a particular topic isn’t adding much to your existing knowledgebase, but you’re not comfortable with your study skills then it might be worth spending the time developing those skills and applying them to the topics even if it’s something you know inside and out. At least then, you’ll have improved on your study skills when you cover topic where you really need them.

The material is explained in a simple and accessible way. Complex concepts are well explained with demonstrative videos, diagrams and other aids.

Going forward

As I type this, I am awaiting my module result for TM112. This is due before the end of April, so I might wait until then to make a post reviewing that module. I am also finishing a maths module, MU123, and about a third of the way through another computing module, TM129. So I am in a position to say that you will take concepts learned in TM111 and apply them to other modules you might study. I’ll also take the opportunity to say that I found the material in MU123 complemented TM112 very well. It almost seemed by design. If you’re thinking of studying two stage 1 module concurrently, then these are the two I’d recommend doing it with. I started TM111 on its own to get a taste of the computing material and not overburden myself as I got back into study. TM111 and TM112 are more condensed (30 credits over 6 months) than most OU modules (30 credits over 9 months), so only study another module with TM111 or TM112 if you can commit the time required to do so.

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